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Knights in Interaction turns 1

January 31, 2008 — Knights in Interaction has now made it through its first year. It’s not out of diapers yet, but it’s starting to climb the stairs.

It started off as the official newsletter of the Wyoming State Council on January 26, 2007. Its audience quickly outgrew the state’s borders, and the interactive publication adapted accordingly. Over 1,800 people have now visited the site; over 90% are from outside Wyoming, and about 10% of those are from outside the United States.

In September of 2007, Wyoming launched a new state newsletter, the Cowboy Bulletin, which was designed to focus on the information needs of the in-state audience. Recently, Knights in Interaction was placed into the hands of University of Wyoming Council 10773, where it continues to draw visitors from around the world.

The multimedia site has received widespread use by visitors from every continent (well, except Antarctica) and from every U.S. state and Canadian province, as well as from every country in which the Order currently resides (with the exception, so far, of Cuba).

Over the past 12 months, your suggestions have led to many improvements. Links now open in new windows; more features promote input and interaction; material of interest to Knights everywhere has been added; articles in French, Polish, Spanish, and Tagalog are now included; and all browsers and operating systems are apparently well served. Visitors increasingly return for multiple visits.

The mission of this newsletter remains the same as it always has been: to encourage interaction among Knights. It’s designed to help us to accomplish our charitable and fraternal goals through cooperation and communication; it’s designed to promote participation, to build fraternity, to carry out our founder’s vision; it’s designed to build unity in answer to Jesus’ prayer that his disciples be “one.” And it tries to stay relevant and contemporary without sacrificing our Order’s historical roots. As mentioned in the first blog entry a year ago, “keeping up with the times has always been one of the great traditions of the Knights of Columbus.”

Thank you for supporting this college-council project through your participation in it. We’ve enjoyed your presence over the past year and are looking forward to interacting with you even more in the years ahead.


Faith-formation materials come in all shapes and sizes

January 29, 2008 — The Catholic Information Service (CIS), which has been producing Catholic publications since 1948, has faith-formation materials available in a variety of formats. They're all free — except for postage, if applicable. Catechism lessons in podcast form may be subscribed to through iTunes and downloaded to your MP3 player, or they may be played directly from your computer. You may also read, download, or print them as PDF files — or even order hard copies through the mail.

Les Chevaliers de Colomb | Apportez une différence

26 janvier 2008 — Imaginez que vous êtes membre d’un organisme qui vous remplit le cœur et l’esprit de la joie de donner aux autres et de l’émotion que vous ressentez quand vous apportez une différence.

Les Chevaliers de Colomb sont des hommes catholiques âgés d’au moins 18 ans. Nous avons pris l’engagement de faire de nos collectivités de meilleurs endroits tout en soutenant notre Église. Être Chevalier, cela signifie plus que camaraderie c’est s’impliquer dans sa collectivité c’est apporter son soutien à son Église Catholique locale tout en grandissant dans la foi c’est protéger sa famille et s’épanouir avec elle. C'est «chevaliers dans l'interaction».

Les Chevaliers de Colomb acceptent les demandes de ceux qui ont besoin de renseignements supplémentaires ou qui désirent nous contacter. Veuillez appeler notre «service à la clientèle» au 1–800–380–9995, et nos représentants seront en mesure de vous aider par l'intermédiaire d'un traducteur.

Rycerze Kolumba: O Zakonie

Rycerze Kolumba są katolicką, bratnią, organizacją wzajemnej pomocy mężczyzn, która powstała, aby udzielać pomocy finansowej członkom i ich rodzinom.

Członkowie wraz z rodzinami, pomagają sobie nawzajem w wypadku choroby, kalectwa, a także w każdej potrzebie. Między członkami wytwarza się więź intelektualna i towarzyska poprzez wspólne prace w dziedzinie charytatywnej, wychowawczej, religijnej, społecznej, pomocy bliźnim w wypadku wojny czy katastrofy.

Historia Zakonu wskazuje na proroczą wizję księdza McGivneya, którego proces kanonizacyjny jest w trakcie przygotowywania przez Watykan. Wizja księdza McGivneya przyczyniła się do stworzenia organizacji, która stała się wiodącą katolicką, bratnią organizacją wzajemnej pomocy na świecie. Zakon pomaga rodzinom osiągnąć zabezpieczenie finansowe poprzez ubezpieczenie na życie, renty dożywotnie i długoterminowe programy ubezpieczeniowe, a także wszędzie na świecie poświęca wiele czasu i energii służbie społeczeństwu.

Prosimy o kontakt z nami celem uzyskania dalszych informacji.

Nuevas fuentes de información en español en línea

El Servicio de Información Católica (SIC) de los Caballeros de Colón se complace en anunciar que la Serie Luke E. Hart en su totalidad y algunos de los folletos de la Serie Veritas estarán disponibles en español en línea.

La Serie Hart ofrece 30 folletos que exploran las enseñanzas católicas en la misma forma que el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica mientras que los folletos Veritas exploran varios asuntos relacionados con la fe Católica y la vida Católica.

A medida que los folletos se van recibiendo, se irán añadiendo a la colección de SIC en el sitio Web. Y podcasts de la Serie Luke E. Hart los puedes ahora escuchar en tu computadora personal o en tu computadora Mac o bien los puedes descargar a tu MP3. Usando el fichero RSS te podrás enterar si se ha incluido una noticia nueva sin necesidad de entrar al sitio Web.

Caballeros de Colón | ¿Por qué ser miembro?

Imagine que forma parte de una organización que llena su corazón y su mente con el gozo de dar a otros y la sensación que viene de hacer una diferencia.

Los Caballeros son hombres católicos de 18 años de edad o más que están dedicados a hacer de su comunidad un lugar mejor mientras apoyan a su Iglesia. Ser un Caballero es más que camaradería; es estar involucrado en su comunidad; es apoyar a su iglesia católica local mientras enriquece su propia fe; tiene que ver con proteger y mejorar su vida familiar. Nuevos puentes, nuevos vínculos: "Caballeros en Interacción".

Venga a ver quiénes somos y dé los primeros pasos para mejorar su vida personal viendo el segmento: "¿Por qué ser miembro?"

Caballeros de Colón recibe preguntas de aquellos que necesitan información adicional o desean ponerse en contacto con nosotros. Se habla español aquí: 1–203–752–4426. ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

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The Kii Hole

Click ► to expand a section, and ▼ to collapse it. Click a blue year or month link to reload the newsletter with the article(s) from that period, or click a blue headline link to load just that single article. (These actions are local and affect only your view of the newsletter.) It's more than an archive. Obsolete items are either deleted or they're revised and brought to the top. We'll be adding a search function soon.

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See what UW Council 10773 is up to

Here are some of the recent and upcoming activities of University of Wyoming Council 10773, which publishes this newsletter.

April 25–27, 2008 (Fri.-Sun.) — Wyoming State Council annual meeting, Gillette
April 30 (Wed.) — Newman Center banner take-down project, 6 p.m.
May 4 (Sun.) — Bowling night, Laramie Lanes, 7 p.m.
May 11 (Sun.) — Mother's Day breakfast, St. Paul's Newman Center, 9:30–11 a.m.
May 20 (Tues.) — Regular council business meeting, St. Paul's Newman Center, 7 p.m.
May 24 (Sat.) — Assist Council 2720 with preparing and serving fish dinner, St. Laurence School gymnasium, noon–8 p.m.
June 1 (Sun.) — Bowling night, Laramie Lanes, 7 p.m.
June 14 (Sat.) — Assist Assembly 2783 with Flag Day flag retirement ceremony
June 17 (Tues.) — Regular council business meeting, St. Paul's Newman Center, 7 p.m.
July 15 (Tues.) — Regular council business meeting, St. Paul's Newman Center, 7 p.m.
Aug. 10 (Sun.) — Join Council 2720 in preparing and participating in annual "Bi-Parish Picnic," Washington Park, 9 a.m.–2 p.m.
Aug. 19 (Tues.) — Regular council business meeting, St. Paul's Newman Center, 7 p.m.
Sept. 16 (Tues.) — Regular council business meeting, St. Paul's Newman Center, 7 p.m.
Sept. 19–21 (Fri.–Sun.) — Participate in annual College Council Conference, New Haven, Conn.
Dec. 5 (Fri.) — Christmas caroling at two local senior centers
Dec. 6 (Sat.) — Selling Christmas cards at bazaar, St. Paul's Newman Center, 8 a.m.–noon, followed by clean-up project
Dec. 6 (Sat.) — First Degree, St. Laurence O'Toole Catholic Church, 4 p.m.
Jan. 6, 2009 (Tues.) — Rosary, 6:30 p.m., and regular council business meeting, 7 p.m., St. Paul's Newman Center
Jan. 24 — March for Life, Cheyenne

If you are a member of UW Council 10773, you may enter your username and password to access the minutes of recent meetings, the council directory, new membership applications, and other items of local interest. [This section is under development. Submit suggestions.]

Note that the date for regular council business meetings has been changed from the third Tuesday of each month to the first Tuesday, still at 7 p.m. The Rosary will be prayed at 6:30 p.m. on meeting days.

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Live | Get your news straight from the top

Surf these Vatican Radio Center channels to find a program currently broadcasting live streaming audio in your language.
Note: These are links to — not rebroadcasts of — live Vatican Radio Center transmissions.

Channel 1 English, French, Spanish
Also carries programming in Italian and Latin.

Channel 2 English, French, Polish, Spanish
Also carries programming in Arabic, Croatian, Czech, Esperanto, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Slovak, and Slovenian.

Channel 3 Tagalog
Also carries programming in Albanian, Armenian, Byelorussian, Bulgarian, Esperanto, Latvian, Lithuanian, Scandinavian languages, Rumanian, Russian, and Ukrainian.

Channel 4 English (East Indian and South African), French (North African), Spanish (Castilian)
Also carries programming in Amharic, Angolan Portuguese, Chinese, Hindi, Kiswahili/Swahili, Latin, Malayalam, Somali, Tamil, Tigrinya, and Vietnamese.

Channel 5 English, Spanish (Castilian and Latin American), French
Also carries programming in Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, and European Portuguese.

Video channel Live streaming webcast
If the image seems dark, you're probably getting a nighttime shot of St. Peter's Square. View a recorded video clip, "Anderson predicts a revolution".

"I have the highest honor of announcing that, in only a matter of seconds, the Supreme Pontiff, Pope Pius XI, will inaugurate the Radio Station of the Vatican City State. The electric radio waves will transport to all the world his words of peace and blessing."

— Guglielmo Marconi
inventor of the radio
and designer of the first Vatican Radio transmitter
Feb. 12, 1931

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Webmasters: Copy this live Kii headline banner into your own appropriate blog or Web site.